
Tuesday 15 March 2011

Jambul(Jaam/Jam/Kalojaam) is one of the desirable summer fruit in Bangladesh

Ripe Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)

Ripe Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)

Green and ripe Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)

 Jamblang/Jambula or Black plum(Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) in the tree

Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) leaves

 Jamblang/Jambula or Black plum(Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)hanging in the tree

 Green and ripeDuhat Plum,Java Plum or Portuguese Plum(Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)

 Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) flowers

Blooming Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) flowers

Yielding Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)and flowers

Green young Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) fruits

Green and mature Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) with leaves

Ripe Duhat Plum,Java Plum or Portuguese Plum(Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)

Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) seeds

Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) tree bark

Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) tree trunk and leaves

A line of Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) trees

A short size Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam) tree

A vendor on a roadside with Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)
Ripe Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan (Jam/Jaam /Kalojaam)

Jambul/Jamun or Jambolan is known as  Jaam /Kalojaam in Bangladesh. This fruit is also known as Jamblang, Jambula, Black Plum, Damson Plum, Duhat Plum, Jambolan Plum,Java Plum or Portuguese Plum. Jambul/Jamun Or Jambolan (Jaam/Kalojaam) is  an evergreen tropical tree. It is native to Bangladesh, India and Indonesia region. It is also grown in other areas of southern Asia including Myanmar and Afghanistan. The word 'Jambul' is sometimes mistranslated as 'Blackberry', which is a different fruit. Its scientific name is Syzygium cumini and belongs to family Myrtaceae.
The tree was also introduced to Florida, USA in 1911, and is also now commonly planted in Suriname. In Brazil, where it was introduced from India during Portuguese colonisation, it has spread out in the wild in some places also. The various names for this fruit are (in Java) plum, jambul, jamun, jaman, black plum, Indian blackberry, jambol, doowet and jambolan.
According to Hindu tradition, Rama subsisted on the fruit in the forest for 14 years during his exile from Ayodhya. Because of this, many Hindus regard Jambul as a 'fruit of the gods'. In Hindu mythology Lord Krishna has been described as having skin the color of Jambul. The leaves are used in India as marriage pendals.
A fairly fast growing species, in native conditions it can reach heights of up to 25m and can live more than 100 years. Its dense foliage provides shade and is grown just for its ornamental value. Large oblong leaves are smooth, glossy, with a turpentine smell. Leaves are broad-tipped, opposite, shiny and leathery, ellipitic, 6 to 15 cm long. The Jamun tree starts flowering in March-April. The fragrant flowers of Jamun are small, nearly 5 millimetres in diameter. This is followed by the fruit which appears in May-June and resembles a large berry. The berry is oblongovoid and 1 to 2 cm long. It is green when just appearing, pink when as it matures, and shining crimson black when fully ripe. Jamun fruit is a mixture of sweet, slightly sub acid spicy flavour that stands out even after eaten since it turns the tongue into purple color. Its timber that is the wood of this tree is strong and water resistant. The fruit is universally accepted to be very good for medicinal purposes, especially diabetics. The seed is also used in various alternative healing systems like Ayurveda,  Unani and Chinese medicine for digestive ailments. The leaves and bark are used for controlling blood pressure and gingivitis.Wien and vinegar are also made from the fruit. The flowers have abundant nectar, and the honey is of fine quality. The essential oil distilled from the leaves is used to scent soap and is blended with other materials in making inexpensive perfume.
All parts of the java plum can be used medicinally and it has a long tradition in alternative medicine.The bark has anti-inflammatory activity and is used In India for anemia, the bark and seed for diabetes which reduce the blood sugar level quickly, the fruit for dysentery and leave's juice for gingivitis (bleeding gums).In the Philippines and Suriname wine is made from the fermented fruit.In Surinam also, the whole leaves are used by women as a feminine sitz-bath to shrink the vagina after giving birth and getting rid of mucus and odors. This bath from the Jamun leaves is also used at any other time to shrink the vagina. This gives the ultimate in sexual pleasure for both partners .
The tree occurs in the tropical and sub-tropical climates under a wide range of environmental conditions and can thrive on a variety of soils. Jambul grows easy in sub-tropics and tolerates cooler winters. It prospers on river banks and has been known to withstand prolonged flooding, yet it is tolerant of drought as well. Dry weather is even more desirable during the flowering and fruiting periods. The seedlings starts fruiting in 4-7 years.

The fruit has a high source in vitamin A and vitamin C, and has received recognition in folk medicine and in the pharmaceutical trade. The seeds, leaves and bark are also used in various alternative healing systems like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine.


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