
Wednesday 2 February 2011

Sugar Apple/Cherimoya(Atta Fal)

Sugar Apple/Cherimoya(Atta Fal) flower

Sugar Apple/Cherimoya(Atta Fal)

A cross section of a Sugar Apple/ Cherimoya(Atta Fal)

Another type of Sugar Apple/Cherimoya(Atta Fal)

Sugar Apple/Cherimoya(Atta Fal)

Sugar Apple/Cherimoya(Atta Fal) leaves and flowers
In some regions of the world, the Sugar Apple in bangla Atta Fol is also known as custerd-apple or cheri moya. Scientific name of this fruit is Annona  squamosa , Family is Annonaceae and Genus is Annona. It is a semi -evergreen shurb or small tree reaching 6-8 meters(20-26ft) tall. The leaves are 5-17 cm long and 2-5 cm broad. The fruit is usually round, slightly pine cone-like, 6–10 cm diameter and weighing 100–230 g , with a scaly or lumpy skin. There are variations in shape and size. The fruit flesh is sweet, white to light yellow, and resembles and tastes like custard. The edible portion coats the seeds generously. There may be a total of 20 to 38 or perhaps more seeds in the average fruit.

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