
Saturday 8 January 2011

Kadam/Kadambo is a rainy season flower in Bangladesh

A Kadam/Kadambo/Cadamba flower and leaves

Neolamarckia cadamba - Kadam/Kadambo flowers

Kadam/Kadambo flowers and back side of the leaves 

Neolamarckia cadamba - Kadam/Kadambo flower and leaves

Four stages to be full bloomed of a Kadam/Kadambo flower

Full bloomed Cadamba/Kadam flowers in a tree and leaves

A Kadam/Kadambo flower tree and leaves

Yet to full-bloom green Kadam/Kadambo flowers

A after mature Kadam/Kadambo flower that have lost some petals

Line of Kadam/Kadambo trees

Cross section of a Cadamba/Kadam/Kadambo flower

Cross section of a Cadamba/Kadam/Kadambo flower

Without petals in side of the Kadam/Kadambo flower ball

A little girl with a innocent smile and Kadam/Kadambo flowers

Kadam/Kadambo is a indigenous flower of Bangladesh and India region. Its scientific name is Neolamarckia cadamba and this flower belongs to Rubiaceae family. There are some other varieties of Kadam/Kadambo flower in Bangladesh. Flowers look like almost the same, but the trees grow in different size and leaves are also different in shape and size. They are known in Bangladesh as ‘’Guli Kadam’’/ ‘’Kaim’’ and ‘’Giri Kadam’’. Scientific names of these species are Nauclea orientalis, Haldina cordifolia.
The Hindus regarded Kadam/Kadambo tree as a sacred tree and believed to be the favorite one of Lord Krishna. Radha and Krishna are supposed to have conducted their love play in the hospitable and sweet-scented shade of the Kadam/Kadambo tree. There are a number of mythological stories in which this tree has been mentioned. Kadam/Kadambo is mentioned in the ‘’Bhagavata Purana’’ (a sacred book of Hindu religion, more than 5000 years old).

Kadam/Kadambo is a beautiful fast growing large sized ornamental and shade giving pyramidical tree that bears like apricot-gold color flowers with a delightful fragrance. The flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.
Kadam/Kadambo tree grows up to 45 m high. It is a large tree with a broad crown and straight cylindrical bole. This tree grows rapidly in first 6-8 years. The trunk has a diameter of 100-160 cm, but typically less than that. Kadam/Kadambo tree leaves are glossy green, opposite, ovate to elliptical. Leaves are 13-32 cm long. Flowering usually begings when the tree is 4-5 years old. It flowers in Bangladesh from August onwards. Kadam/Kadambo flowers are red to orange, occurring in dense, globe-like heads of approximately 25 cm.
The fruit of Kadam/Kadambo (Neolamarckia cadamba) occur in small, fleshy capsules packed closely together to form a fleshy yellow- orange infructescence containing approximately 8000 seeds. When fruits are mature, they splits apart, releasing the seeds which are then dispersed by wind or rain, by birds or bats.
Kadam/Kadambo tree grows also in India, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Australia.
Kadam/Kadambo flower tree has got some medicinal values. Various part of the plant, especially the bark is used as astringent, antiseptic, digestive and expectorant and the decoction is used in curing diabetes, ulcer, diarrhea, fever, vomiting etc. The juice is sometimes used to kill warms in sores and the gurgle sooths dry throats. The fruits are edible. Leaves, bark, seeds are medicinal, being anti-inflammatory and liver protective and all these usages are currently the subject of medical research. Kadam/Kadambo flowers are used in the manufacturing of ‘’Attar’’(a scented oil).
Though not highly durable, the timber of Kadam/Kadambo tree is moderately hard and used for various purposes like plywood, boxes, tea chests, canoes, furniture, match boxes, paper etc.
In India Kadam/Kadambo tree is now considered a better and far more environmentally beneficial tree than the poplar for agro forestry, with a rotation cycle of about eight years. In Sumatra, in Indonesia this tree has a rotation of four years and is an important agro forestry resource.
Kadam/Kadambo flower and rainy season are almost similar in Bangla literature. Enormous songs, poems have been written in Bangla literature about the eternal beauty of rain and Kadam/Kadambo flower. In Bangladeh it is to say ‘’Don’t give Kadam/Kadambo flower to your lover otherwise it will creat mistrust between you’’.
S:;;; novel Ballpoint by Humayun Ahmed (p.117-122)